Designed for first point noosa, or any faster suckier wave. The URSULA is a noserider for the human who loves to sped as much time on the tail as the nose. With simple curves, direct templates and a hard edge in the tail, this board offers up control, stability, speed and consistent flow throughout tail surfing and beginner to expert noseriding. A subtle rolled concave in the nose and a flat bottom to slight “v” in tail on the bottom. Gives the surfer as much stability as possible without loosing function, responsiveness and control. There’s a little “nothing here to see” section in the middle of the bottom of the board for when the section of the wave is to far ahead, I get myself to the middle of the board to gain speed and so I can meet up the the noseride section ahead.
A step deck into a hard edge, the step deck happened naturally so the rail on the tail didn’t end up so thick, but also with less foam the board is easier to turn and creates a little bit of flex in the tail for better suction and levitation on the nose.
Ursula is a consistent board, or has flow as they call it. I’ve flattened the whole board and added thickness in the tail to speed up the board but slow down my turns ( eg because to thin can become a bit whippy, like to easy to turn) .. ive still got the kick in the last 12 inches for noseriding ..
Simplicity has always been a go to while designing my noseriders. As you can see in the photos that 12 inches in from the nose and tail are along minor in difference of width. The widest point usually sits around the centre. This I like to have here to keep as much flow (speed) in my board while I transition from the tail to the nose. The mid size nose allows the board to be controlled on the nose in suction sections but also hold levitation out in the flats. The width in tail holds stability with all your tail manoeuvres.
9’7 x 23 1/8 x 3